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Monday, December 3, 2012

Why I Will Never Use Adsense on a Blog Again

Ten years ago I started a fitness blog, wrote some articles, slapped on an Adsense unit or two and then a year later sold it for $20,000. I was pretty happy with myself. And while it was the right move for me at the time I can’t help but wonder how much I could have sold it for if I had ignored Adsense and done something totally different.
In this article I am going to talk about why I will never use Adsense on a blog again. I hope at least some of you pay attention.

Why is Adsense is so attractive?

Let’s start the post by admitting that Adsense is very attractive to a lot of people. You just sign up for an account, write some blog posts and watch the money get paid into your account every month. It is quite alluring. I’ll never forget the feeling of my first $1 day, $10, $50 day and so on. Like a drug, I constantly checked my stats to see how many clicks I had got in the last ten minutes.
But while all this was happening I was losing money. Each Adsense click of between 10 cents and $5 represented a loss to my blog. I only wish that back then I had thought about the fact that there are much better ways to make money from a blog. Ways that perhaps aren’t as sexy in the short term, but work out to be a lot greater in the long run.

Why I will never use Adsense on a blog again

Now I want to get into the main bulk of this post and tell you why I will avoid Adsense on my blogs from now on. If anyone out there disagrees with me or has taken a similar course of action I would really love to hear about it.
1. Each click represents a lost reader
The purpose of blogging is to get readers. You craft headlines, opening paragraphs and content in order to catch people’s attention on social media and Google but then you send them off your blog by encouraging them to click Adsense ads. It is actually quite perplexing. I see hundreds of articles on how to increase Adsense CTR and get more clicks but no one ever seems to talk about the fact that maybe sending your hard earned visitors away is a very bad idea.
2. It dilutes your brand equity
When you place another advert on your website you are passing equity to that brand. For example, if Daniel put an advert for a spamming software on the side of Daily Blog Tips it means that he endorses that brand. So Daily Blog Tips’ brand is then associated with the spamming brand.

Adsense makes it hard because you do not have complete control over who advertises. Yes you can blacklist certain URLs but it would take a massive amount of time to make sure every brand that appeared on your site was a good one. I know the owner of a very large Luxury Watch blog who lost a lot of high profile Swiss contacts because his Adsense ads served up replica watch promotions.

So what should I do instead?

Now the question becomes about what one should do instead of Adsense. It is a very important question to ask. If I had asked it of myself ten years ago I imagine I would probably be earning five or ten times what I am today.
The answer is email subscribers
I have said it before and I will say it again. The money is in the mailing list. The most successful bloggers and web marketers all place an emphasis on capturing as many email subscribers as possible. Look at Problogger, Copyblogger, John Chow, Shoemoney and the rest; they all make millions of dollars a year because they have large lists of interested email subscribers who they can email to:
  • Promote new products
    Any time you launch a new product you can send out an email or a series of emails designed to get people interested in and ready to buy. Darren Rowse did this recently when he launched his new book. Before it is even published he knows that he has close to 150,000 people that will look at the advert.
  • Launch new websites
    What if you want to expand your website to something new or create a sister site? Well instead of doing all the ground work to get those initial users you just send out emails to your list. If it is relevant and related you will find that most of your fans follow you over.
  • Sell affiliate products
    The last thing I will talk about here is the fact that niche email lists give you a massive opportunity to sell affiliate products to a very actionable audience. You can earn between 40% and 80% on affiliate sales by just sending out an email. You don’t even have to create the product, just promote other people’s.
Capturing email subscribers is a long term strategy that pays massive and ongoing dividends. Remember that visitor who clicked an Adsense ad and made you 30 cents? He could have subscribed to your list and be earning you hundreds of dollars a year by purchasing your products or ongoing affiliate offers.

What are your thoughts?

I’d really like to hear your thoughts on this matter as I know there are quite a few fans of Adsense here on Daniel’s site. Have you stopped using Adsense and tried something else with great success? Or do you think Adsense is the best earnings model and will never abandon it? Please drop a comment and let me know.

Source : 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

10 Lessons Learnt from Gaining 120,000 More Visitors in One Year by Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is the hot thing now; from newbie bloggers to top brands, everyone has realized how powerful guest blogging is and are doing it as a result. There’s a right and wrong way to do it, however.
I started a guest blogging campaign a year ago and the results have been impressive. Just a year after the campaign, without actively doing anything to increase traffic, I’ve gained an additional 120,000+ visitors to my blog.

Here’s a screenshot of my traffic a year after the campaign

If you compare both screenshots, you’ll notice I’ve gained exactly 123,322 visitors a year after the campaign. That’s over 340% traffic increase and something very impressive; here are the lessons I learned along the way.
1. Guest Blogging for Links is the Most Profitable form of Guest Blogging
Of course, I’ve written guest posts on individual blogs that have sent me over a thousand visitors that eventually resulted in hundreds of subscribers.
I’ve written guest posts for several A-list blogs with great results. However, guest blogging for links seems more effective on the long run than guest blogging for traffic.
Did you take a proper look at the above two screenshots? They’re actually not screenshots for overall traffic to my blog but screenshots for search engine traffic to my blog.
Other than by writing great content and building links with guest posts, I do nothing else to improve my SEO.

Based on my calculations, in a span of one year, by guest blogging for links instead of direct traffic I’m able to get more than 2,000 visitors each from every single guest post I wrote with the purpose of improving my search engine rankings.
2. It is not about How Much but how well
The 120,000+ visitors I gained as a result of my guest posts can be attributed mostly to some 30+ guest posts I wrote in a particular month.
I wrote those guest posts solely for the purpose of building backlinks to my blog so that I can increase my rankings.

If you examine my campaign, you’ll notice that my aim wasn’t to write hundreds of crappy guest posts on sub-standard blogs like most people do today. Instead, I had a goal to write quality guest posts for a select number of quality blogs; the result was impressive
3. You Won’t Get Results without an End in Mind
You’ll only get results from guest blogging if you have an end in mind.
In other words, even before you start you should know what you want to achieve and how you plan to achieve it.
I knew I wanted to guest blog for links and I had an idea how much traffic increase the campaign will result in at the end of one year.
I knew what I was doing.
Before this particular campaign, I’ve written hundreds of guest posts to promote the same blog with little to no results. This was only because I didn’t have a goal for my guest posts
4. Guest Blogging for Links doesn’t have to be done the Way Most People are doing it today
When you talk about guest blogging for links today, the first thing that comes to mind for most people is all the crappy guest posts you see online and all the crappy guest blogging emails bloggers receive in their inbox.
It doesn’t always have to be this way.
Most of the people publishing hundreds of crappy guest posts on other blogs are not doing it because it works; they’re doing it because others are doing it and that’s the worst way to run a business.
When guest blogging for links, the more focus you have on quality the more results you will get
5. The Guest Blogging Game will only be won by those who have a Strategy
Do you know a sure-fire way to fail at guest blogging?
This is it: Start writing a lot of guest posts because you heard guest blogging works, without any strategy or plan to help you get results from it.
There are several ways to benefit from guest blogging; you can get direct traffic, backlinks, and exposure, you can build relationships and more. Which particular approach you take will depend on what you want.

For me, my strategy was based on guest blogging for links because I didn’t want a huge influx in traffic but gradual, consistent and stable traffic growth.
You can bet I got what I wanted, and that’s because I had a strategy
6. The Guest Blogging Game will only be won by those who can wait
In my case, the 30+ guest posts I wrote directly resulted in less than 50 visitors combined in the first month I wrote them, but that wasn’t what I wanted.
What I wanted was increase in search engine rankings; that takes time, and I started seeing results a few weeks after my guest posts was published.
I’ve heard stories from people who started guest blogging because of the buzz around it, who eventually gave up after a few tries because a certain top blog didn’t send them the traffic they expected.
Guest blogging is not an avenue for your instant ego boost. It’s a valid marketing strategy being effectively leveraged by those who can wait.
Even if you want direct traffic, it takes time to find the blogs that will work for you and that can give you the results you want; you won’t get to enjoy this after giving up on guest blogging a month after you start
7. Guest Blogging is a Huge Part of Content Marketing
Guest blogging on its own = marketing failure!
You probably won’t hear that again anywhere, but that’s the most important point in this article.
You won’t get great results from guest blogging by using it to promote a static website. No. Instead, the best way you can get results from guest blogging is by having a blog or a content marketing hub, with quality content relevant to your guest posts.
Instead of linking to your homepage, you link to your content; this leads to increase in direct traffic, search and social traffic to your content and more readership and engagement for your content.
When people read and enjoy your content, they check out your business. That’s how it works!
8. You Don’t Always Have to Do it yourself
While I mainly use guest blogging to market my websites, I also actively guest blog for clients.
Guest blogging isn’t used only by individual bloggers; it can also be used by big brands and startups. In a situation like this, you don’t always have to do everything yourself.
The amount of trial and error it will take to get things right can cost you business; an alternative approach is to hire a guest blogging professional to help you write your guest posts or a guest blogging consultant to help you develop your plan.
It’s all about finding out what the best use of your time is and how much you will save if you outsource the task
9. You Don’t Always Have to Write for the Top Blogs
By taking a look at my traffic screenshot above, you’ll think I wrote guest posts for big blogs like Problogger, DailyBlogTips and the likes.
That’s far from the truth.
In fact, most of the blogs I wrote for were small PR2 and PR3 blogs that resulted in little or no traffic; in other words, I didn’t have to wait for weeks for my articles to publish nor do I have to spend 4 hours on a single article.
Yet, the result I got beat any direct traffic I’ve ever gotten from a guest post on any big blog.
I’m saying this as someone who has once written a single guest post that resulted in over 2,000 visitors and around 500 subscribers before.
Like I said earlier in this article, it’s all about having a strategy and knowing what you want to achieve
10. Everything I told you above is either Effective or Ineffective
There are no golden rules.
Most of what I did to get the results I got was the exact opposite of what I was advised to do two years ago when I started guest blogging; I learned them mostly by accident and I kept experimenting to see what works.
The above is from my own experience and it is not set in stone. It might work well for you if you try it and who knows, it might not be your style.
Don’t restrict yourself to a set of principles or certain golden rules. Experiment and test as much as you can, because that’s the only way to get results.

Share Your Guest Blogging Success Story!


Source :


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Linkedin Training Course

“Discover How to Harness the Secrets of LinkedIn to Attract High Quality Clients, Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Site or Land the Career Opportunity of Your Dreams!

Looking for a measurable ROI for your Social Media efforts? LinkedIn is the largest Social Networking site for Business Professionals looking to do more business. With over 160 million members strong, LinkedIn is the ANSWER to your online marketing and social media needs!

  Why You Can No Longer Afford to Ignore LinkedIn:
  • LinkedIn has more than doubled in size (OVER 160 million Members) in the past year with one user added every single second!
  • Executives from ALL Fortune 500 Companies are registered on LinkedIn!
  • 45% of LinkedIn’s members are considered the major decision makers for their companies. (Twitter and Facebook account for only 24-29%!)
  • LinkedIn holds the record for the Highest Average Household Income over all other Social Networking sites at over $109,000 per member!
  • There are no distractions! On LinkedIn, you’ll only find high-caliber individuals with a business mindset, focused on networking for results!
  • With the IPO of LinkedIn, it is now valued at over 10 Billion Dollars and interest and awareness are at an all time high.
Linkedin is MORE LinkedIn is an ACTIVE online Business Community of over 160 million members looking to connect, network and do business. Whether you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur or motivated professional, you need a simple, step-by-step blueprint for maximizing your results on LinkedIn…
Your COMPLETE Roadmap for Harnessing the Power of Linkedin for all of your business and professional needs!

Inside, you’ll discover…

This is the perfect place to start! In Module #1, we introduce you to LinkedIn, all of its most beneficial features and how to build the proper foundation for success, including…
  • How to get anyone to find your profile based on your targeted keywords!
  • How to Optimize Your Profile for maximum exposure!
  • The Secrets to Leveraging LinkedIn Recommendations!
  • Integrating LinkedIn into the rest of your Social Media Strategy!
  • …and much, MUCH More!

Your ideal customer is waiting for you on LinkedIn! Want to build an email list or grow a huge audience fast? In Module 2, you’ll discover…
  • The Power of Existing LinkedIn Groups to connect, share and build your database!
  • Finding, Adding and Growing Targeted Connections!
  • The Art of Creating and Building your very own MASSIVE LinkedIn Group in record time!
  • Advanced Networking and Connection Strategies and much more!

Ready to take things to the next level and start using LinkedIn like a top-notch pro? In this module, you’ll discover…
  • How to Connect with Investors, High-Level Decision Makers and Desired Business Partners!
  • How to Land the Career Opportunity of your dreams!
  • Promote and Profit from Live Events that build your brand!
  • Drive floods of targeted traffic to your website or blog!
  • A sneaky trick for adding engaging videos to your profile!
  • …and much, much more!
As a Business Professional you know the importance of getting more leads and growing your brand online. LinkedIn is one of the best places to build your company at zero cost. In this module we cover…
  • How to Build Your Company Page along with featuring company videos, building up testimonials, connecting your employees, and more!
  • How to Leverage LinkedIn’s “Question & Answer” Feature to attract more clients effortlessly!
  • Drive Targeted Traffic to your Company’s website or Blog!
  • …and much, much more!
Bonus #1: Linked Working e-Book ($47.00 Value)
In LinkedWorking, I take real world networking and business principles and apply them to the World’s Largest Business Networking Site. Inside, you’ll discover…
  • How to apply offline principles of networking to modern-day Social Media etiquette!
  • How to tap into and profit from your most valuable connections on LinkedIn!
  • The Art of Making Qualified Introductions to approach any new relationship from a Position of Power!
  • …and much, much more!
Bonus #2: LinkedIn Master Strategies e-Book ($47.00 Value)
LinkedIn Master Strategies is a simple-to-follow, 43 page e-book that teaches you…
  • How to Optimize your LinkedIn Profile for maximum exposure and brand recognition!
  • How to generate More Automated Leads, Sales and Traffic with less effort!
  • The Step-by-Step Action Plan you need to follow to achieve your business and professional goals!
  • …and much, much more!
Bonus #3: LinkedIn Ads Training ($197.00 Value)
Want to learn how to drive floods of targeted traffic to your website or offer using LinkedIn’s Advertising Platform? In this very special, 55 minute interview with Josh Schoenly, you’ll discover…
  • How to TRUMP the Facebook Ad Platform and DOUBLE your conversions with LinkedIn!
  • How to create, setup and optimize your LinkedIn Ad Campaign!
  • Tips and Tricks for lowering your advertising costs and increasing your click-through-rates!
  • How to Optimize your Landing Pages for best conversion results!
  • …and much, much more!
Bonus #4: Sean Malarkey’s Twixplode ($97.00 Value)
My business partner, Sean Malarkey, is considered one of the top experts on Twitter for Business. He is generous enough to give his Twitter e-book, “Twixplode”, which reveals the exact strategies he uses for getting massive results on Twitter! This $97 e-book is yours absolutely FREE! Inside, you’ll discover…
  • How to effortlessly grow your follower list by thousands, and turn that list into hungry buyers!
  • Increase your Response Rate to over 65% creating a surge of push-button traffic!
  • Exactly when to tweet, how to tweet and what to tweet for maximum results!
  • …and much, much more!

Create An Iphone Or Ipad Apps And Games In App Store!

So, you are thinking about iPhone development or iPad development? Thinking about all the money you can make from creating an app? Well, please read on for information on what you need to know, how to make an app, and how to market an iPhone or iPad app.
First and foremost - make sure that the app you develop is a quality application. There are many app developers and would-be application developers that you'll be competing with. The higher quality your iPhone or iPad application is, the better chance you'll have at succeeding.
Take your time, think about creating a game that is unique and original.
A Few Facts

The number of iPhones that have been bought is over 30 million. That is a lot of people who would be looking for newly developed iPhone apps. These people are always looking for new apps for their iPhones and iPads. And the prediction is that the amount of iPhones and iPads sold will increase substantially every year.
Make an App

Once you have thought up an original idea for iPhone development or iPad development, you'll need to make sure to write it all down - in detail. The more detail and diagrams you have, the easier it will be to keep on track when programming the application.
You could write the code yourself, or hire an app developer to design and write the code for you. There are many freelance websites such as Elance or Freelancer where you could find application developers for reasonable prices. Just be sure to take your time to find a good app developer so that you won't waste your money and time, and will be guaranteed to get a quality product.
Once the iPhone development or iPad development process is complete and thoroughly tested, you'll need to submit the application to Apples App Store.
This process could take a little while as each and every application that is submitted is reviewed before it is made available for sale in their store. Not all applications are accepted. Make sure that you read all the rules for submitting your application to the store before you submit it.

Get It Now Here 

Article Source:

4 Tips for Buying Websites

Over the last couple of years I bought a handful of websites, every time thinking I could tweak and optimize things around to make it attract more traffic, grow over time and consequently make more money.
Sometimes I got it right, other times I screwed up, but I learned some lessons either way. Below you’ll find some of them:

1. Focus on a single niche or sector

I always liked technology, and most of my sites are related to that. I guess it’s no coincidence that when I bought websites inside the tech like, like one about the iPad or one about Android, they ended up growing and generating a good ROI. When I bought websites on other niches, mostly because they seemed more profitable, the results were not as good.
What does this happen? For many reasons. First of all by focusing on one niche you can cross promote your sites. Second, you’ll be able to use your existing network of contacts, since they will own websites on the same niche. Third, you already have experience regarding the type of content and marketing ideas that work on that niche.
If you buy websites on niches all over the place you’ll lose all the benefits above.

2. Implement changes gradually

The biggest mistake you can make after you buy a website is to start changing a lot of things, all at once. This will probably confuse Google and other search engines, so your rankings will take a hit in the short run.

Not only that, since you are changing many things at once you won’t be able to identify which changes had a positive effect and which had a negative one.
A better approach is to change things gradually, one at a time. After each change let the site be for a month or two at least, so that you can track the results.

3. Never change structural elements

I wouldn’t recommend making structural changes to the site, because you might end up hurting your search rankings and traffic irreversibly with those.
The two most important factors you should avoid touching is the permalink structure and the title tags. Google trusts websites that are stable in regard to those factors, so play it safe.
Other factors that are tricky to change are the H1 or H2 tags around post title, the internal link structure and the structure/order of your HTML elements (for instance, putting a sidebar above the main content could hurt your rankings in the short term).

4. Don’t neglect the content

Remember that at the end of the day content is still one of the main SEO drivers, so don’t neglect it.
More specifically pay attention to the frequency that the website was updated before you purchased it, and try to main that. Over time you can also increase it if the revenues justify, but avoid decreasing it.

Second, try to keep the same style going. This includes the length and structure of the articles, as well as the topics covered.

The Fat Loss Factor

What is the Fat Loss Factor? Fat Loss Factor is a realistic diet and exercise program enabling rapid fat loss by reseting your metabolism through a “clean” diet that returns your liver and body to optimal health and through small amounts of efficient exercise.
I really like Fat Loss Factor mainly because it virtually follows what I’ve been teaching you here, on my other sites and on my podcast and allows you to implement it in an easy step by step program.
They also have probably the most extensive video demonstrations of exercises I’ve seen. This is great if you’re new or just starting out with strength training.

Remember, not more exercise but shorter amounts of effecient exercise that accomplishes the goals your after is key to your success. When you combine that with the fat burning nutrition they teach – your success and a hot body is guaranteed!
One of the most important issues to acknowledge is that losing fat has no magic formula. The majority of ‘magic pills’ on the market that have no credible scientific basis to back their claims, and are merely hype. The approach used by the Fat Loss Factor is a holistic one that not only focuses on what you put into your mouth but also tackles other important aspects of your lifestyle that affect weight.
The Fat Loss Factor

Although the Fat Loss Factor program doesn’t claim to be a scientific authority per se, most of its guidelines are premised on credible scientific facts. This can’t be further from the truth given that one of the authors, Charles D.C, is a doctor while the second author, Lori Allen, is a certified nutritionist. In fact, Lori Allen was the first person to test the program herself, having battled weight issues for some years after the birth of her 3 children.

The Fat Loss Factor At A Glance
The Fat Loss Factor is unlike other weight loss programs in a number of ways. Firstly, the program gets off by taking users through a two-week metabolism boosting phase that entails eating natural foods only. By sticking to an all-natural diet in the first two weeks of the program, you rid your body of harmful toxins that are abundant in a typical meal laden with processed food. Fat cells are a repository for toxins in the body, so this phase is aimed at eliminating those toxins. Fruit, vegetables, coconut oil, legumes, raw seeds and nuts are some of the natural foods on the two-week cleansing diet. In addition to natural foods, users are supposed to walk for a minimum of 30 minutes daily and up to a maximum of one hour.

According to Dr Charles, this program is unique in that users break down their ‘body and mind’ in the initial stages, and then spend the rest of the stages rebuilding it. This helps them to completely overhaul their lifestyles without being too drastic. More than 200,000 people from 107 countries around the world are claimed to have been helped with this program.

The second phase is the ‘master cleanse’ and lasts anywhere from 3 to 10 days. Like the two-week cleansing phase, the master cleanse phase is aimed at ridding your vital organs of toxins as well as building a healthy blood stream. In this phase, there are instructions for flushing out impurities from the digestive tract by using herbal laxative tea and the saltwater flush preparation.

However, before you get carried away with the cleansing routines, the Fat Loss Factor is not all about flushing impurities out of the body. It is a guide for a complete healthier lifestyle that emphasizes natural foods and smaller meals with a lot of physical activity. Admittedly, many users will not find what they expected because whatever is taught in this guide requires patience and consistence. As stated by the author, the program requires high levels of mental strength to go through with. People looking for quick fixes will certainly be disappointed.

The good thing is that there are dozens of recipes provided, along with a list of groceries and cooking guidelines to make the shopping and cooking easier. There’s a list of 15 foods that achieve maximum weight loss and another list of 17 foods that guarantee weight gain. But most importantly, the Fat Los Factor shows you how to eat the foods you love without and still manage to lose weight. You don’t have to ‘cheat’ just to eat your favorite foods.

After the master cleanse phase, next comes the crucial exercise phase. There is the ‘dreaded cardio’ routine and the weight training exercises that each achieves different goals. The special cardio routines are efficient at ‘blasting’ the fat away and have enough balance that makes it easier to perform regularly.

The high intensity interval training (HIIT) routines are aimed at sculpting muscle mass so that you achieve a defined physique. However, the focus of these routines is to speed up the fat burning process rather than to build muscle mass.

What you’ll particularly appreciate about this program is that throughout the eBook guide, there are sections dedicated to useful tips in every chapter. Tips range in topic, from how the body uses food to stress and weight gain, among other topics. The author repeatedly makes reference to scientific studies and research that relates to a particular topic, thus giving the material more credibility.

The program is available only in digital format as a downloadable eBook. As with anything new to a user, there’s always skepticism at first. Users who are skeptic at first can try out the program on a $5trial offer. When you’re pleased by what the program offers, you can purchase the complete program at a $47 introductory offer from the official program website. Given that DR Charles typically charges anything between $500 and $800 for a one on one session, the eBook introductory offer is basically a give-away price.

You will hardly find a user of this intuitive fat loss program that doesn’t recommend it. Its ratings average at approximately 9 out of 10 points going by reviews of leading weight loss experts and fitness websites. It is a complete lifestyle solution that not only focuses on weight loss, but also on the overall lifestyle of the user

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Abbey Dawn: Save 10% Off and Free International Shipping on Orders over $99- Prom

A singer, songwriter, and musician whose powerful pop songs have connected with millions of fans around the world, Avril Lavigne brings her unique point-of-view to her lifestyle brand Abbey Dawn —  a bold, colorful line of rocker chic-influenced clothing and accessories for girls who are confident in their personal style and unafraid to express themselves through fashion.

Named after a childhood nickname her father gave her, Abbey Dawn was originally inspired by Avril’s own closet. A few years ago, she began coming up with ideas for pieces she herself wanted to wear, bringing her daring, adventurous attitude to designs that mix both edgy and feminine details. Avril launched Abbey Dawn in July 2008 as an exclusive with a major U.S. retail chain. In October 2008 she introduced her first retail outlet — an exclusive pop-up shop located near the entrance to the Laforet department store in the fashionable Harajuku shopping district of Tokyo, Japan. The store, which sold clothing and accessories all designed by Avril, as well as her CDs and DVDs, was the best-selling boutique at Laforet during this two month exclusive period.

The following year, Avril held her first fashion show during New York Fashion Week in September 2009. Models strutted down the runway in Abbey Dawn’s metallic-print T-shirts, oversized hoodies, long-sleeved striped skater T’s, denim skinny and boyfriend jeans with built-in suspenders, printed leggings, tutus, and plaid mini-skirts to the sounds of Avril’s hit songs “Girlfriend” and “Sk8er Boi.”

Avril is excited to announce that Abbey Dawn is now available internationally! For the first time ever, Avril’s fashion-loving fans across the globe will be able to buy Avril-designed clothing, footwear, and accessories in more than 50 countries worldwide via Previously only available at physical retail outlets in the U.S. and Canada, Avril is excited to finally make Abbey Dawn accessible online to over 18 million fans connected to her internationally through her website and social-networking pages.

In December, the T-shirt Avril wears in the video for her brand-new single “What The Hell,” from her upcoming album Goodbye Lullaby, will be available for purchase in both women’s and men’s styles (Avril’s first-ever designs for guys). In addition, affordable new mini- collections will be available for purchase every month in 2011, right here on

Abbey Dawn: Save 10% Off and Free International Shipping on Orders over $99- Promo "PLAYITINT"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Coaching secrets to increase your vertical jump

According to Miami Heat Strength and Conditioning Coach Bill Foran, "Jumping is a very explosive movement that can, believe it or not, be improved with proper training."
Most NBA players have vertical jumps in the 28 - 34 inch range. To get your best vertical jump it is necessary to do both strength and power training.
Strength exercises include slow, controlled movements like squats, lunges and weighted step-ups; power exercises require explosive, quick moves like those needed for plyometrics and power cleans. Plyometrics are explosive bounding, hopping and jumping drills that blend strength and speed. Finally, practicing maximum vertical jump will increase vertical jump.

There are many ways to improve vertical jump, but some of the most effective exercises include plyometrics, along with exercises that build both strength and power.
You can build strength by performing basic weight training exercise using slow, controlled movements, and build power with faster dynamic movements. You also you need to improve the speed of movemnt in order to create power. This is done with explosive, quick exercises such as the power clean (video).
You can add specific plyometric drills as well. These build both power and speed and generally include explosive bounding, hopping and jumping exercises.

Here are some great ways to begin, and advance your plyometric training:

Monday, May 14, 2012

4 Ways To Make Your Blog Pay Real Money

Writing a popular blog, getting famous, and then living off the Internet from a desert island beach are faily common dreams for many aspiring bloggers. With the advent of content management systems such as WordPress which make it incredibly easy to get a professional looking websites up and running in no time - full of sophisticated features – the only thing really holding you back is your talent. “It’s too difficult to set up a website” really isn’t an excuse anymore. For your consideration then, here are 4 of the most popular ways to make your blogging pay.

This is a preview of my upcoming free MakeUseOf guide, a full manual of everything you need to know about blog monetization, due for release in a few months time (just as soon as I get around to actually finishing it!).
Banner Advertising

The most common form of website monetization today, online ads have never had a particular good public perception: from malicious Javascript injection to autoplaying videos, content-blocking popups and user activity tracking – many users are turning to Adblock plugins to declutter their web experience. Large ad networks such as Google Adsense are very easy to implement, and produce a pretty reliable income proportional to the number of visitors. If you’d like more control over your ads though – ensuring only relevant content is shown to your readers – the BuySellAds network is perfect for bloggers.

As well as being able to approve every ad before it’s displayed, and set your own pricing strategies (a fixed monthly cost, or traditional pay-per-click), you will also have the benefit of being listed in the directory from which advertisers can choose appropriate sites. The end result – content appropriate ads that users won’t feel the need to block.
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Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing refers to the practice of linking to products or services in exchange for a small kickback when users purchase or sign up, through you. Typically it involves using a trackable customised link, and some programs such as Amazon will even place a cookie on the user’s browser for a certain number of days, so that you will be paid even if the purchase isn’t immediate or the user goes on to purchase additional items than the one you specifically linked to.

While this sounds like easy money, the truth is that affiliate marketing is very difficult. If you’d like to learn more, Matt wrote this informative article on the topic.

blog make money online
Donations & Flattr

Flattr is an easy way to accept micropayment type donations without having to ask for users payment details. The Flattr button is placed in a similar way to a Facebook Like or Tweet button; subscribers to the Flattr service contribute a self determined amount to their Flattr account each month. As they go about their Internet travels, they click the Flattr button for sites or articles they have appreciated; then at the end of the month their funds are divided up equally to all the sites they “flattered”.

Given that the number of Flattr users is still quite small and the amount given from a single Flattr is likely to be less than a dollar anyway, you shouldn’t expect to make a huge amount with this. Still, if you’re the type of blogger producing content that users are vocal about thanking you for, it can’t hurt to add just another button to your social icons at the bottom of every post, and it may at least pay for your hosting. It also has the added advantage of being non-intrusive, and AdBlock users may actually seek out Flattr buttons to reward sites they enjoy.

blog make money online
Sponsored Blogging

Entry requirements are strict, but sponsored blogging platforms such as SocialSpark allow influential bloggers to receive free gadgets and goods in exchange for positive reviews, as well as the basic paid blog post. You have to actually write the review of course, typically contain a certain number of keywords and links, but the advertisers pay reliably and you can expect anywhere from $5-$50 per post. Blogs with a higher PageRank and greater traffic garner the best offers, naturally.

Angela wrote about a number of other sponsored blog opportunities back in 2010, most of which are still operational.

blog make money online

Of course, this may not be something that your readership appreciates, and some users user will be quite offended by the idea of advertising disguised as content. Be sure to only accept offers from services relevant to your readers, and try to differentiate it from regular articles with a standout paragraph or note.
Traffic Should Be Your Priority

Before you jump onto any of the methods outlined, be warned that nothing will actually generate revenue unless you have a good flow of traffic already visiting your site. In fact, it may even be harmful to start monetizing your blog too early, as many forms of online advertising will put off visitors, driving them to the back button faster than you can say CPC.

If you’re hitting less than 1,000 page-views a day, I’d say it’s simply not worth bothering yet. If you have no idea how much traffic you’re getting, be sure to read through Ryan’s quick guide on using the new Google Analytics features.

blog for money

No worries if your site isn’t quite up to scratch yet though – now would be a great time to read though my 8 proven tips to make your blog popular. By the time you’re done implementing them, my full monetization guide will have been released!

Do you have any other great monetization ideas? I’d really love to hear about them in the comments (no affiliate links please). What is your experience with the methods I outlined here – have you found one in particular to be more effective?


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